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AI and Natural Language Processing in Occupational Medicine: Record Review

Amazing display of the power of AI and Natural Language Processing in healthcare. Team at Lazarus AI shared a demo of their program analyzing and summarizing 30 pages of unformatted healthcare records (including handwritten notes)...

ChatGPT vs Physicians: Is AI More Empathetic?

Fun, but limited study out of UCSD comparing responses from "doctors" on social media vs ChatGPT on empathy....

Workers Memorial Day 2023

As we commemorate Workers' Memorial Day this April 28th, it is important for us to remember those who have lost their lives or suffered injuries and illnesses due to workplace hazards. Today, we honor their memory, raise awareness about workplace safety, and strive for continuous improvement in this crucial area...

New Published Research on Laboratory Animal Allergy From Our Allergy Expert Dr. Martin

A national survey of institutional officials of laboratory animal facilities was undertaken to provide a 10-year update on current laboratory animal allergy prevention effects and the impact of COVID-19 on PPE and organizational safety behaviors. The survey found...

To Age Correct or Not? Best Practices in Hearing Conservation Programs

OSHA allows for age corrections in hearing conservation, but does this cause employers to miss cases of noise induced hearing loss? Companies looking to develop best practices should...

Color Vision Deficiency Assistive Devices in the Workplace

Color vision discrimination is a required skill for many jobs. Color vision assistive devices promise compensate for color vision deficiency, but what is the evidence behind their use in the workplace?...

Occupational Heat-Related Illnesses: Overview

Occupational heat-related illnesses (HRIs) are a range of medical conditions that can occur in workers exposed to a combination of high temperatures, high humidity, or physically demanding work environments. Familiarization with HRIs and their signs and symptoms is an important skill for workers and leadership...

Types of Workplace Hazards: Back to Basics

A sound understanding of the fundamentals of occupational health and safety is crucial for maintaining a productive and secure work environment. In this back to basic post, we highlight the various basic types of environmental hazards that can cause occupational disease, impaired health, or significant discomfort in workers....